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Steps to Take After Hurricane Damage [Infographic]

What to Do After a Hurricane

New Orleans residents know all too well that one of the most stressful parts of hurricane season is figuring out what to do in the days following. For those who choose to evacuate, coming home to significant damages is never ideal, but there are steps you can take to ensure that you are getting the most out of your insurance policy. Here are six steps you should take after having hurricane damage to your home:

Hurricane Damage

  • One of the first things to do after returning to your home after a hurricane is to take photos of the damages and make a list of which belongings are damaged (and how much they will cost to be replaced).
  • You’ll want to make quick repairs to anything in your home that has immediate threats – this includes walls, windows, flooring, and the roof if possible.
  • If your home has water damage or requires major repairs, find a safe place for your family to live. Your policy may also include a “loss of use” clause to help with the cost.
  • Double-check your insurance policy to understand what all is and isn’t covered. After this step, it is in your best interest to file a claim as soon as possible.
  • If at any point you find that your claim isn’t being handled properly, or the insurance company is delaying or denying payments, contact an attorney for assistance.

During this time, you may also want to consider contacting the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), as you may be eligible for assistance following a disaster.

New Orleans Insurance Attorneys

No family should be subject to delayed or denied payments after a hurricane causes significant damage to their home. When you’re dealing with an insurance company acting in bad faith or mishandling your claim, contact The Chopin Law Firm LLC. We can help ensure your rights are protected.

Schedule a free consultation by calling (504) 475-2429.